head> SEP's 25th International Conference | Papers





The conference offers a forum for papers on the following themes linked to the changing scenario that journalism is currently undergoing

Development and ADAPTAtion of the profession of journalism

Training and development of professional profiles; contemporary skills in the industry (visual thinking, data journalism, etc.); work situation, routines and journalistic cultures; classes of writing; key points with regard to gatekeeping and agenda-setting in the digital scenario; innovation in academic teaching of and research into journalism; ethical challenges in the post-truth era; post-censorship and its influence; etc.

development of business and media management models

New specializations in journalism; opportunities for entrepreneurship and start-ups; changes in the political economy of journalism; processes of concentration and integration in press, radio and television; the commitment to public radio and television services in a context of convergence; new features of local and regional journalism, etc.

INNOVAtion in content and stories

Creative changes, and changes in market and consumption that condition working with content; discursive and professional strategies focussing on the production of text, audiovisual and online content using innovative formats; development of new narrative formulas and genres linked from the point of view of mobile journalism and media convergence; transmedia stories and new kinds of message; stories based on data analysis, etc.


Analysis of the relational dynamics between journalism and the social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google, official authorities, citizen movements, etc.) from business, professional, content or production perspectives; multi-platform and transmedia strategies for brand promotion; new channels for connecting with audiences; journalistic SEO; journalism and democracy 2.0; dynamic formulas for the analysis of audiences and integrating user-generated content; analysis of new consumer practices and those associated with the dissemination of fakenews; etc.

* Abstracts or proposals for papers on any of these themes should be sent between 7 November 2018 and 10 February 2019 (extended deadline).

* As a general rule, abstracts (230-500 words) should contain usual data to make clear the intest of the research (object, theoretical and methodological framework, main results and conclusions). To send the proposal and request a certain format for publication (Abstracts Proceedings, journal article, book chapter), fill in the following FORM.

* Each author may sign a maximum of two papers with a single registration. Furthermore, as stated in the Registrations section, all authors or signatories of papers should complete registration of participation before the deadlines set.

* The proposals for papers will be peer assessed by the Academic Committee. The authors will receive an email accepting or rejecting their proposal before 20th of February 2019.

* All abstracts of papers accepted will be published in the digital Abstracts Proceedings Book with ISBN published by the UPV/EHU. This will be available for download as of 20 May.

Abstracts Proceeding Book © Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco. ISBN: 978-84-9082-872-4.



On the form for sending abstract proposals, authors can indicate their preference for one of the following publication options:

a) Conference Proceedings Abstracts (Publisher: University of the Basque Country, Scholarly Publishers Indicators, SPI)

b) Conference Proceedings Abstracts and sending of the final text for the journal

c) Conference Proceedings Abstracts and sending of the final text for a monographic edition of the Mediatika journal

b) and c) Once the proposal has been accepted, those who wish to submit their research as an article for Textual & Visual Media or Mediatika journals, should send their manuscript via these publications' OJD submission platform before 1 July 2019. All articles will be peer-reviewed and should follow the journals' style guidelines.

d) Conference Proceedings Abstracts and chapter (for the paper book to be published by the SEP, year 2020)

Anyone wishing to propose their paper for assessment by the Academic Committee for chapter publication, should send their complete text before 1 July 2019 to comunicaciones.sep2019@ehu.eus. The maximum length of the complete texts, including bibliographical references, is 6,500 words. For other rules regarding editing and style, see Guide for sending complete texts.

If you have any doubts about the process of sending papers, contact the conference organizers at comunicaciones.sep2019@ehu.eus.



To defend, in person, a paper at any of the parallel sessions, it is necessary to be the author -or one of the authors- of it, as stated in the list of signatories of any text sent to the Academic Committee. In order to obtain certification as a conference speaker, at least one of the signatories of the paper must do its oral presentation in person. At the end of each session, the coordinators will hand over to each author the certificate/s.

The parallel sessions will be held in concurrently in different spaces. See PAPERS ORAL PRESENTATION ROOMS AND SCHEDULES FOR PARALLEL SESSIONS.

* Video: rooms for main lectures and conference paper presentations.

There is a set presentation time of 10 minutes per paper. Participants are asked to please respect this time slot.


Summary of key dates

Sending of abstracts: 7 November 2018 - 10 February 2019
Assessment of proposals and notification by the Academic Committee: before 20 February 2019
Publication of Conference Proceedings Abstracts on the conference website: 20 May 2019
Presentation of papers: 30 and 31 May
Sending of complete articles (Mediatika and Textual & Visual Media) and book chapters, until 1 July 2019; notification of assessment and acceptance of book chapters (1-30 October 2019). Publication of articles and chapters (2019 and 2012 year)